To Heel or not to heel, that is the question!

Hello! It has been quite a while since I last wrote my blog.
Don't think that I have quit wearing high heel shoes - it's just that I haven't had many opportunities to do it as I'd like.
Now, I have been thinking of a way to wear high heel styletto shoes in public, without calling unecessary attention. I think I've found the perfect way:

In the above pic you will see what happens if you put a styletto high heel pump inside a snicker.
Not bad, huh?!? This is what it looks like when walking outside:

Obviously, the first thing to do was to make sure that the shoe is invisible and well hidden by the pants. As you can see by the pick below, it does!

You can even drive with this system!... and if the cops look through the window, they shouldn't see your lovely shoes worn in disguise!

I had some shopping to do so I went to the local mall.

Obviously the heart starts beating faster when you put your first step outside...

It was OK and nobody seemed to look at the way I walked - I feared walking strangely.
So I went through the different areas doing my shopping... in high heels! Even if they were hidden...

It was a great sensation and I just wished that I could do my shopping normally with my heels unhidden.
After my shopping, I went for some sightseeing around my area.

What I was really looking for was for a deserted place to remove the snickers and walk on heels. I've opted for this place:

Yes, it was more or less deserted. Yet often, turists came and left, so it was impossible to "heel" as descretely as I'd like.

Oh my God! How'd I'd love to remove these:

And walk with these:

Anyway, one of these days I'm going to explode and dare walking into a public and crowed place wearing my high heels!

Alternatively, I will find a man or a woman who loves and indulges this lifestyle.