Well I've promissed my fellow "heelers" at
http://www.hhplace.org/ that I would post a detailed report of my first "sortie" outside my house wearing high heel shoes.
Well, everything that is promissed is due, so here it is.
But first, let me tell you that I haven't imagined that it would happen like that.
I had intended to profit from a day off from work, where I could be alone and go somewhere to walk with my 4" boots, dressing casual, just like this:

I had selected a beach about 10 km away from where I live. The temperature is currently around 9° C and there's not much people out there in teh morning. there is a "promenade" maybe 1 km long that goes all the length of that beach.
This seemed "ideal" for a first experiment.
I was hoping to be off yesterday but my employer needed me. "Too bad for the heels...", I thought grimly.
This morning, as I waked up to go to work and was preparing my backpack; a strange feeling invaded me: I felt an "urge" to put these shoes, along with my gloves, lunch and other need materials:

Strangely, I had decided yesterday that I shall never try "heeling" at work, as I am a professional truck driver, fearing the embarassement of being "caught" wearing them.
You see, it's really a "man's world", even if the profession is becoming more accessible to women.
Nevertheless, I had decided not to try this during my work.
Well... I failed! You'll see why later... but it was so delicous...
The morning started with a grey weather and very windy. There were winds up to 130 km/h.

After finishing up my morning clients and before my lunch brake, I've stopped my truck on a calm and very untravelled road. I looked at my security work boots:

That's when I've felt a strange but pleasant sensation in my belly, accompanied by the desire to take the shoes off from my backpack.
I took them out and placed them on the dashboard:

Those 4" pumps look stunning and sexy, don't they? They are just saying: "put me on!"
Well, obviously you can guess what happened. I had to put them on. I first removed my right boot then the sock. Then I've puttd on the right shoe and buckled the ankle strap:

What a difference, hey?!? Compare with the security boot just below the 4" pump.
Then it was the time for the left foot. Same deal. Took the boot off and then the sock. Then strapped the left pump in:

Notice the nice sun effect on the feet and the two security boots right of the red fire extinguinsher. As of now, I was wearing a nice pair of leather 4" pumps on my truck.
Fortunately there is a lot of place in trucks to change shoes ;-) and I was now "heeled" and feeling very happy with it!
Here's a couple of "suggestive" shots:

It's such a delicious feeling! There was this weird feeling in the belly, just like when you are in love! Not like a sexual erection or something like that. Something bigger. Could this be the "release" of our "feminine side"?!?No doubt, this is something to look into later.
I now had to drive to a "good place" for lunch. Obviously, this was an "accident" waiting to happen.
I looked at my feet and adjusted my seat, trying the pedals:

To my great surprise, the interaction between the pedals and the shoes was great, even better than with "normal" shoes or security work boots.
I've buckled up and adjusted my seat until it was secured on a proper distance from the pedals and steering wheel.
I buckled up and strated the engine.
As I was on a deserted road, this was a "good place" to start experimenting driving with high heels.
The 4" pumps gave an awesome feeling and I was controlling all three pedals with the point of my feet, just like with the security boots.
Again, to my great amazement I had more control with the 4" pumps than with the security boots or any other "men" footwear, not to mention the sensations offered by driving wearing them!
I went through downton and then the road opened towards the countryside. As you can see, this is a quite dangerous road, especially for large and heavy vehicles:

The heels performed absolutely awesome and even if the shoes are quite long, it was very easy to adapt and in no time at all, the 4" pumps were a part of my body, just like a "samurai's" sword:

I drove for practically half an hour with my high heel shoes, occasionaly profitting from a stop sign or from having to break, by making some pics just as those two just above.
As you can see, the shoes just look and feel great!
As I've said, after a thirty minute drive, Ive found a suitable place to park my truck and had luch with my hels on:

This lunch break was an awesome opportunity to enjoy my heels. Take a look at the pic below:

Which shoes do you rather like seeing me wearing? The ones on the right or the one on the left? ;-)
After lunch it was time now to try the first sortie with the heels. "Houston, we are ready!"
Contrary to what I feared, I was not anxious at all. On the contrary, I was feeling very calm.
I just wished that for this first time that nobody watched my footwear.
I have chosen a mostly deserted parking area near a beach in winter. Only windsurfers and occasional "passerbyes" stop at this place:

This looked like a very nice place for a first try out. I profited to look again at my shoes and make a few silly poss, just enjoying the moment, enjoyement the sensations offered by wearing them. Here, let me share them with you:

I thought of a challenge:

To take the "remains" of my lunch (the pic above...) into the trash can, a few meter away from the passenger's side door:

I stood up and took anothr look at the shoes, getting ready to go out into "outter space":

I've opened the door and stepped outside:

Yes I did it! I went outside the truck! and walke down to the garbage can:

A small step for mankind but a "giant's leap" for myself, as I've started "materialising" my wish to wear heels outside, therefore going against the social "programming" that we men are imposed.
It was also a good ecological "step" for ecology, as the remains of my lunch did end on the trash bin, as usual. :-D
Feeeling confident, I've tried going a bit further "away" from the truck, which I succeeded!

Unfortunately, "Houston" called in and it was time to return to the "lunar module", as it was time to return to work.
Your favorite astronaut had no choice but to climb back to his spacecraft:

Of course, this has been an awesome and very intense experience. More to come... surely...
I'couldn't stop looking at my heels, tasting and savouring the pleasure of having worn them for one hour and half, including driving and a ten minute or so, sortie outside:

Unfortunately, so called "reality" pulled me "away" from the great dream I was living. It was time to take the shoes off and clean them.

Yes, I'd have worn them for the rest of the day, hadn't I fered the reaction of my company's clients, seeing their good being delivered by a male truck driver in 4" heels.
Most unfortunately I had to "slip" back into these and "attack" the afternoon:

During the whole afternoon, all I could think off were the heels. Strangely, the security boots felt "awkward" and uncorfatble - which was exactly what I was expecting from the 4" heels, which didn't happen at all.
All afternoon I missed my heels and I genuinely wished to find a job where I could wear 4" or bigger heels in permanence, just like a High Heel Place job offer, where the applicant is expected to wear at least 4" stiletto heels. Not wearing them on a permanent basis could be considered a reason to break teh contract... makes you dream, doesn't it?!?
More to come soon... so stay tuned!!!