Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Can High Heels and chains go together?

Definately yes!

Today I was sitting on my desktop computer working on a project, when I was suddenly filled with inspiration.

I definately wanted to do something with heeling. I decided to keep my "usual" 4" heels.

I was in an "SM" mood and I just wanted to make some pics with chains and handcuffs.

Here's the result:

Ok, that looks exciting but no big deal! I've decided to try other angles:

Better, isn't it?!? I've decided to try it from a few other different angles:

I definately find it very exciting, this heels and chains stuff!

I've decided to try leatehr handcuffs now:

I think that one is so hot, isn't it?!? Here's the same leather cuffs but viewed from a different angle:

I think that picture puts the heels more in value, doesn't it?;-)

I think I'll be out heeling today, but not with the chains! I'll keep that for "indoor" activities! ;-)