Thursday, February 26, 2009

Almost made it outside the house

Since my last post, I've continued to wear high heels on my lunch breaks. However, I feel the need to "export" this practice as often as I can and integrate that style of footwear, gradually and as often as possible.

I thought that today would be the day to go out wearing heels outside the house. I intended to profite from having my afternoon off to "heel" outside the house.

I've selected something casual and "unisex" like this:

Well I thought that these sandals didn't look too bad with a pair of "normal cut" jeans for men, otherwhise I'd have tried with my pair of "boot cut" jeans. I think the "normal cut" looks great with heels as well, as you can see by the pic below:

These are the sandals in the picture:

Yes, they look so cute, don't they? Yet it is winter so I had better take out something "warmer".
I wanted to try these shoes with the "normal cut" jeans to see how it would look like:

Yes, they are only 3" (7 cm) high and don't have a spiky heel. Yet, for some strange reason I find them cute! :-D

And here's what they look like when worn with the jeans:

They look awesome, don't they? To go back to our story, I had decided to make my first sortie on a less deserted place wearing high heel shoes today. Unfortunately I've kept running into known people, everywhere I went. It was almost as people had decided to go to these places where they generally don't go or where you don't expect to find them.
Anyway, this is just a temporary delay and I will go out wearing my 4" (10 cm) stilettos one of these days.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Heeling continues mostly during lunch break...

Yesterday I wanted to try out these 4" black velvet, metal spike heeled boots:

With this tought in mind, I've hidden them inside my work backpack, only to put them on during my lunch break. They don't look bad, even if my work uniform doesn't really match the classy style of the boots:

On the other hand, they are quite warm - which is a good quality during this cold winter season.

This said, it was time for the usual "extra-vehicular exit":

Again, I was happy to find out that the pants fully covered the heel and only the pointed tips of the shoe are visible, except when I walk.

I must say that I am used to wear 4" spiky heels but these boots were just painful to walk in, even for a few meters. Quite unstable but pretty much painful to walk in. I've returned to my truck's cabin, quite disapointed with the boots yet happy for another exterior walk on heels.

The next day saw the return of the 4" blck stilettos with the ankle strap. Those are very confortable and a joy to walk and wear.

So driving resumed with them on and they never seem to surprise me by the high level of control you can have on the pedals. In fact, you can dose your speed and brakes with a higher degree of precision than with the normal steel-tod security boots.
I think that the thought of wearing them makes me twice more safe when driving, as I have to pay twice the attention to avoid any mishaps.

Lunch break came and it was time again to wear those heels, this time outside the "safety" of my truck. As usual, I've practiced my "water torture", drinking lots of water to force myself peeing with the heels on. I know that this sounds "weird" but the basic idea is to force myself to wear heels in the outside world.

I've opened the "hatch" and stepped outside.

I am begginning to worry less and less about what other people think. I think that people on the passing cars might have noticed the heels or the "white flesh", contrasting with the dark color of my shoes and pants.

Yet I don't care. I just went outside, my heart beatting faster as usual and "took a walk on the wild side".

I really love these shoes which were marketed by "La Redoute" in France.

A car had parked not very far from my truck so I decided to climb back into my truck's cabin, before the person or persons inside that car could have a "clear line of sight" to my feet.
It had started raining anyway, so I've decided to enjoy my lunch, thinking about the "traditional trashbin challenge".

So, after lunch, it was time to take "this"...

... and put it inside something like this:

For the good of our planet and for my pleasure wearing heels, this was once again; mission accomplished!

I know that this sounds so "childish" but I think it is already a great challenge going outside the secrecy of my house wearing high heels. These "stupid" but simple exercises have helped me gaining confidence wearing heels outside the house.
I still had a few moments more to enjoy my heels, before returning to work, so I've climbed back inside the cabin:

Unfortunately this story ends like all previous ones: at a given point I have to take the shoes off, either to unload my truck or at the end of the day, when returning to the depot, so that my co-workers don't notice it.

While I will continue these "sorties" outside the truck, the enxt step will surely be to go outside on a more public place.
This could be on my next trip to the gas station for refuel or even for a walk in a less deserted place.
At some time, I'd like to help my wife overcome her "social brainwash", as men who wear heels and other stuff aren't necesarily gay...

Here's my "two cents"...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Heeling" outside the house continues

"Never below 4" and always spiky"

It has been a long time since I've last posted on my blog - and I missed that!

I've been a way on a school ski trip as an accompanying parent. I took the high heel shoes with me but had no occasion to wear them, most unfortunately.
While at home, I kept wearing my heels whenever alone in the house:

They just look great with the bootcut jeans, don't they?!? The jeans practically cover the heel, as you can see by the pic below:

I think that I will try to "pull this off in public", shortly... I'll keep you posted about that!

My pleasure in wearing high heels is increasing with each passing day and I just can't live without wearing them everyday, even if for just a few minutes. Now that I am back to work, I'll "log" some "heel hours" outside. Let me tell you what I did yesterday.

I woke like usual at six AM and prepared breakfast, while dressing up my work uniform. Even in those early hours of the morning, I knew that I was going to "heel" today. I had to and I wanted to!

I just grabbed my favourite pair of 4" stiletto pumps, which by now you know well:

I've packed the pair on a discrete plastic bag and placed it inside my work backpack with lunch and a few other accessories.

As I left the house it was still night. I've walked to my car which is parked about 4 meters away from my doorstep. I've placed my backpack on the trunk and started the engine.
It's a twenty minute drive to the truck depot from where I live. I've considered quickly putting them on, just for the twenty minute drive but quickly discarded the idea for practical reasons (having to take the shoes off in such a short period of time...).

So I've got to work, loaded my truck and left the depot. There is a parking place on the first kilometers and I parked there. I've opened my backpack and took the plastic bag with the shoes out.
I had to put them on quickly as the cargo that I was carrying was very attended, so I couldn't afford loosing too much time.

Of course, this "had to happen" and I was very happy to be temporarily released of my work boots:

... and very happy to have these in:

There was I, "on the road again", wearing my 4" spiked heel shoes:

As trucks here in Europe are limited to 90 km/h (about 50 Mph), a truck's maximum speed is often from 83 to 93 Km/h, so overtaking another truck can be quite a long moment, as you might have noticed when you drive your car in this sort of road.

The feel of the heel on the pedals is great and offers a lot more precison and control than the work boots. In fact, I can be more precise and soft with my heels on when using the brakes then with the work boots. Not to mention that the heels really look cute on the pedals, don't they? ;-)

Even the clutch (left pedal) can be use with more effectiveness.

Now about that red truck in front of me, I kept overtaking him and vice-versa for the next 45 minutes. At the first time I got a bit "scared" that he might "notice" my shoes, as his cabin was higher than mine. This meant that the guy had an upper view upon the lower half of my body.
It is a habitude to see who's driving the other truck, during this long overtaking maneuver that seems to last an eternity, even for us truckers.
I don't know if he noticed my heels (I hope not :-P...) but we kept overtaking each other on many occasions, as my truck was slightly faster on level roads and his when climbing.

After about a driving hour, I've reached my first client and stopped at his parking to change back into the work boots.

The client was probably "curious" why I've parked so far away from his portal than I usually do, before starting to drive back in reverse gear.
Perhaps he was even more surprised when he saw me tighten up my work boots laces on the truck's cabin stairs.
I made a big smile anyway and saluted him as usual. He unloaded my truck with his fork lifter, no questions asked.
I think that from the initial distance where I was parked when removing my heels, that there was no way he could see what I was doing inside the cabin, by looking at the side rear mirrors.

The morning flew quickly while I rushed to deliver as much clients as possible. I knew that "lunch time" would be another great opportunity to wear heels, so I've parked the truck on a quiet and deserted street, near the center of the city I was in.

So guess what I've "shoed" into?!? Easy guess, right?!? My favourite heels!!!

Yes, it was a great joy to have them on again and they look a lot better than the workboots, as you can see by the pic below:

It was time to find a suitable place for lunch and one of the joys of my work, is that I am free to decide where I want to park for lunch. This said, driving resumed on 4" (10 cm) heels. :-D

I had decided to add an additional "exercise" to today's heeling experience, to increase the "difficulty level" of this nice and rich experience. I drinked lots of water to force myself going outside to pea... with my heels on! :-D

I always like to park in nice, quite and beautiful places, whenever possible. The line I am actually driving passes very closely to the sea so I often park near the beach for lunch.

This place is relatively deserted but there is a road that goes around the beach. This road has cars passing very often, with a few "pauses" in the circulation.
During on of these moments with no vehicles coming out on any direction, I've decided that it was time to pea! :-D ... except that I was wearing these!

I double checked that no car was coming in on either direction. I saw that cars were coming in on both directions but estimated that their were "beyond visual range", to see what I was wearing.
So I've opened the door and climbed down outside, walking towards the right side of the truck, opposite to the side where cars passed.
I walked to the middle of the truck and pead, watching the cars passing on both senses.
Of course, nobody stopped and I don't think that anybody even payed any attention to my footwear.
I was so surprised to see that the work pants covered the shoes almost entirely!

In fact, people have to be real close to see what I was wearing! In fact, only the pointed tip of the shoes are visible:

Of course, if I had to walk near people on this concrete surface, the "clic clac" sound of the heels would be noticed and if anyone looked at my feet, the "stiletto" heel would become visible.

However this has given me an idea: why not trying to wear these shoes with classic business-like pants on a carpet surface?!? At least the heel noise wouldn't be noticed... perhaps during a party at night... hmmm the perspective looks delicious.

I've walked back to the truck, taking care not to climb up the stairs to the cabin when cars passed up close.
This said, I've enjoyed my lunch with the heels on! :-D

After lunch, I went out of the truck and casually walked to the trashbin nearby, to dispose of all the empty packages and paper napkins.
I walked back up to the truck and enjoyed my heels again:

They look so cute and feel so great, don't they?!? I can assure you it's awesome and as someone stated before: "Heels and skirts are not just for women anymore..." so they better get used to it! ;-)

I just wanted to wear my heels forever but lunch break was over and work was on my mind again, with the "ugly" perspective of having to take my heels off again. :-P

So it was a big "burden" to change into those ugly work boots again.

As in my previous "truck heeling experience", I felt very "unconfortable" wearing "flat shoes" and thought about my short "heeling experience" for the rest of the day, hoping to find a job that will allow me to do this on a daily basis... perhaps find a client that accepts and likes men wearing heels... I'd be more than happy to unload his palette or package wearing 4" stilettoes!!! :-D

Hmmm... that was a "delicous" thought! :-D

According to my company's planning for the next week, I will be affected to a line that will allow me to pass through some nice and quiet places, where I can do some "heeling".
I am planning on wearing these knee high boots:

As you can see by the pic below, they are "certified" 4" (10 cm) stilettoes:

And here's what they look like when worn:

I just realized that these boots "deserve" a skirt, but that will have to wait for a better occasion. ;-)
However, I can assure you that "will not be forgotten". I had something like this in mind:

Or this:

Or perhaps even this:

... yet this last model may reveal itself to be "too short for confort", even if I'd love to wear one of those with the boots... ;-)

Another thing that I am very "curious" about is experementing "lockable" shoes. I find the idea of being "locked up" in high heel shoes very exciting!
And here's what I intend to buy next:

This will be an interesting experience of "forced heeling". The idea being to put those on, lock them and leave the key at home. There will be no way to remove them before returning home.
I can do something like drink a lot of water to be forced to go outside the car to pea or so.
This is a way to make sure that I will "enjoy" wearing my boots outside the car and the house.
What do you think?!?

For summer, I should buy a pair like these, probably in black, as it's a more "neutral color :

Feel free to leave your comments and to follow this blog for more updates on these "male" high heel experiences.